VIP Day with Janice Johnson

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To dare to dream in the midst of adversity, in the midst of failure, in the midst of complacency, is to have hope.” This phrase from one of the most inspiring books I’ve ever read, Spirit Driven Success by Dani Johnson, captures the essence of why I do what I do each day. Hope is the very reason I go to bed late (if at all) and wake up early eager to be used of God to influence great leaders like you.

This week was a phenomenal week—I shared a powerful VIP Day experience with private partner (client for those new to the EYR community) Mark Furlong featured in the picture below.

Janice Johnson and Private Client Mark Furlong

Together we mapped out his ministry’s next step strategy and got rid of some of the clutter that was keeping him stuck from moving forward in a BIG way. I also spoke to the graduating class of the Christian Coach Institute inspiring them that it’s ok to Be Bold, Build upon (rather than bury), and Benefit abundantly from their Blessing. And now on this sunny Saturday, I am relaxing and reflecting on how awesome the God we serve truly is!

Can I be transparent for a moment? Things were not always good—though my intentions and desire has always been for God to use me greatly– in the beginning things were rough! I can recall squandering around in a quagmire of contentment and complacency too afraid to step out and go big. My money was “funny”, I was afraid of rejection and not being accepted by my peers in the faith community, and for some reason my big dreams could never manifest beyond my journal and service in my local church. I was too ashamed to ask for help.

I am a child of the Most High God, I’ve got degrees from the finest schools, I pray fervently and serve selflessly—surely the Lord will make a way.

Yes, those were the words that flowed from my lips though in my heart I often felt disgusted and defeated. Yet somehow I found hope. Finally, hope birthed the faith to do something I’d never done before. I had the faith to sow seeds, pray prayers, serve selflessly—but I never had the faith to invest greatly (and strangely) in my future. Perhaps I did have the faith, but what I lacked was the right “works” needed to produce the results of my faith. It was only when I looked beyond what was familiar, comfortable, and widely acceptable in my current community that I begin to achieve the results I sought.

Sometimes, we must leave what’s familiar in order to receive what was promised. Has God promised you something that you have yet to receive? His word teaches that the answer to all God’s promises are “yea and amen”—perhaps you need to do like I had to do–go against the familiar and take claim of what God has promised. I promise, you won’t regret it. (Joshua and Caleb didn’t: read Numbers 13-14:5)

To get more information about spending a VIP Day with Janice click here.