The Roller Coaster of Ministry

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A personal message from the Ministry Marketing Mentor….

I had a major breakthrough this week! Finally, [I’m pretty sure God had been trying to get me to see this for quite some time now], I realized that the expansion of one’s ministry is truly a life-long journey of character development and spiritual maturity. As 2011 comes to a close and I reflect on my personal expansion journey I would characterize it as nothing short of a costly roller coaster ride. The highs have been really HIGH and the lows; well let’s just say they have been baritone low. In the midst of it all there has been but one constant—and that is God and His unrestricted availability. He has never shunned me from His presence or denied me His guidance. Yet I haven’t always made the most of this divine access. For some retarded reason, I thought it brave to try things my way and mistakenly thought it admirable to be deemed the one who “cracked the code” the one who “figured out the hard stuff”. But, let me tell you. The expense (monetarily and spiritually) of this mode of operating can be quite daunting. And trust me whatever the prize, it’s not worth it!

You’re probably wondering what does this have to do with expanding the reach of your ministry. As I train leaders like you and dare walk out this expansion process I realize that our ability to lead and grow a healthy ministry depends largely on our continuous commitment to our own personal and spiritual development—to this there is no end. Many of the roadblocks and challenges we as leaders face in our public ministry are a manifestation of unaddressed private matters. My mentor would say, “when there is struggle on the outside there almost always exists struggle on the inside”.

As you reflect on your progress in 2011 and finalize your plans for 2012 be sure your expectations are in line with your actions. No tool, strategy, or even ROCK-solid expansion plan will bring you to your destination or help you receive your desired results if God’s plan for you is to endure an exercise in character development.

Remember, expanding your reach has NOTHING to do with you, but everything to do with God working through you to reach others. The moment you accept your ministry expansion as a journey toward spiritual maturity everything changes!

Expanding Your Reach is not optional but mandatory. If you’re ready to reach the masses with your message click here to download your FREE Ministry Marketing Makeover Kit.