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5 Steps to Overcome the Overwhelm in Your Ministry

Are you feeling overwhelmed with your ministry marketing? It's great to have goals and high expectations for yourself and your team. We all need to set benchmarks; the problems start when we start to become paralyzed by the sheer volume of what we've set out to do. You may not have realized it, but having a multitude of goals can actually cause us to get less done than if we only had one or two? Why is that? When our To-Do List ... Read more

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The Road to Success

I am still on a HIGH from the time I shared recently with the wonderful Pastors of the North Georgia Missionary Baptist Convention. How refreshing it was to be amongst leaders committed to changing the world through the Word of God and open to learning the most effective ways to do so. While my time was amazing—once I got there—the road to Euharlee, Georgia was very long! It was during my trek up I-75 that I had this amazing discovery. ... Read more

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How To Get More with Your Ministry Marketing Efforts

Move from Desperate to Deliberate with Your Ministry Marketing Efforts "I need more____________" You fill in the blank. Members. Clients. Money. We've all experience this at some point in the marketing of our ministries—the point of panic because what you need is greater than what you possess. So what do you do? Let me tell you first tell what not to do. Don't panic. Often when faced with difficult situations, impossible deadlines, and urgent needs--we respond from a place of panic and rather ... Read more

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How to Get A Miracle in Your Ministry

"Act in faith, even if what you feel is doubt." I try my best to live by this principle moment by moment—but I'll admit, at times, it seems impossible to do. We live in a society that glorifies "instant gratification" and ostracizes faith in God and miracles. You've probably heard or said yourself, "I'll believe it when I see it". It is precisely this type of thinking that causes many of us to miss the miracle God's waiting to perform ... Read more

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3 Old School Ministry Marketing Strategies That Will NEVER Go Out of Style

People change. Processes change. Principles NEVER change! Whether you've been in ministry for one week or one decade, the principles of expanding your reach when understood and applied ALWAYS work. As you set to accomplish your ministry goals and realize your vision of touching more lives, earning as you serve, or leading a life of legacy and impact be sure that remember to keep your ministry marketing efforts simple, yet strategic. The key to doing this is to focus on building ... Read more

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5 Steps to Achieving Radical Results in Your Ministry

“Let everything happen on the way to someplace else”.  Are you stuck?  Do you feel as if you’re at a standstill in life and ministry? If so, I have one word for you—MOVE!  God has extreme blessings in store for you but in order to receive them you must move. Yep—that’s right! Many times the reason we aren’t receiving the results we expect in our lives, our ministries, and our businesses is because we are waiting on something to happen. Stop waiting ... Read more

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Expansion in Action

"If you're not out of your comfort zone, then you're probably not walking in obedience to God" What a bold proclamation—filled with such resounding truth! As I read a recent blog post from beloved client, business partner, and now dear friend Janice Fletcher, President of Christian Coach Institute, I am reminded that the privilege to serve as a leader is one that should not be taken lightly. Beyond the center stage appearance at events or fancy titles on business cards and ... Read more

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God said “It was good.”

We are officially halfway through 2011! And can I tell you a secret? It's been a great year! As I stop long enough to peer over my shoulders, I've come to realize that what in the moment seemed to be tiny steps along a never-ending path have actually resulted in giant leaps forward on my road to destiny. These past six short months have been full of stretching, prodding, pulling and praying –but none of it was in vain. A moment of ... Read more

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VIP Day with Janice Johnson

"To dare to dream in the midst of adversity, in the midst of failure, in the midst of complacency, is to have hope." This phrase from one of the most inspiring books I've ever read, Spirit Driven Success by Dani Johnson, captures the essence of why I do what I do each day. Hope is the very reason I go to bed late (if at all) and wake up early eager to be used of God to influence great leaders like ... Read more

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What Do You Do When You’ve Damaged Your Brand?

Recently, I shared the importance of knowing and communicating your brand. Yes, we also looked at ways to preserve and protect how we are perceived in the marketplace. If you missed that article check it out by clicking here or visiting Many of you wrote in and asked what happens if you have a mishap or indiscretion- what do you do when you've damaged your brand? Well, I got news- you CAN recover from a bad reputation- it's just ... Read more
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