You are who you SAY you are!

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It snowed last week here in Georgia. For many, this was exciting. For us it was…bittersweet. My daughter was scheduled to play her first basketball playoff game. Due to the weather, their game was cancelled. Not only was her first playoff game canceled, but so was her season. The league decided to only allow the top two teams to play for the championship.

Jasmine had just written and recorded her I AM statements a couple of nights before we received this disheartening news. As a mom, it was especially hard to share with her this news. We were studying faith and I was teaching her about the power of her words. After sharing with her what her coach shared with me, I told her to pray. “God can change everything!” She prayed and we made a snow baby (never in my life had I made a snowman so…a “baby” is what became of our efforts! LOL!). Feeling a little better, she went on her merry way. This was Saturday.

On Monday, her coach called. “Great news! The league reversed their decision. We play Saturday at 9:00AM. See ya at 8:30.” Thank you Lord! I was excited to share this news with Jasmine. Elated by the news, she pranced around all week confidently with her head held high. As a matter of fact, she said, “Mom, when we win the championship can I get a new iPod?”

“Well, baby, let’s just play our best in the semi-finals first.” To my surprise, she said with such certainty in her voice “ok, but you know we are going to win the championship. Remember, my I AM statements?”

A week later, without having met with her team, Jasmine was facing game day. She woke up at 4:00AM. She was ready! “Have a great game baby! Be aggressive. Think like a champion. Play hard!”

“Ok, mom!”

“Remember your I AM statements.”

As my husband and I entered the gym, I thought to myself, “Lord, please let her have a good game.” The team they were playing had beat them twice. The whistle blew. The game had begun.

Four quarters later, Jasmine and her team advanced to the finals. But, there was one catch. The championship game was at 12 Noon TODAY. It was now 10:15AM.

Well folks, all I can say is this. There is power in what you say. If God can speak the world into existence, why can’t we who are made in His image, speak to our own situations? We CAN!

My 10-year old daughter brought home today the Henry County Recreational Division 10 and Under Girls Championship trophy! Yes, they won! And you know what she said to me?

“Mom, I TOLD you… I AM a champion!”