I do it because it’s FUN, that’s why!

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I woke up this morning on a mission. At 7:00AM, I had my weekly “power call” with my MasterMind group, 8:45AM my weekly “marriage moment” with my hubby and a series of other “to-dos” crowded my calendar. For some reason, though, I AM so excited! Don’t get me wrong, my day is jammed packed. One glance at my Blackberry and I wonder “did I schedule time to eat today?” Amidst all the appointments and plans there lies within me an overriding sense of joy.

I absolutely love what I do. I LOVE who I am! Though my list is encompassing it is not overwhelming because, to me, it’s fun!

I am reminded of a night my daughter and I shared last week. She came up to my office to ask me some ridiculous question, it was bedtime. All sorts of random questions are asked when it’s bedtime. While this night her motives were no different, my response was. I turned in my chair, looked her dead in her eyes and with a stern face said “do you wanna see something?” Intrigued and confused and more than likely thinking “is this a TRICK? Am I about to learn another lesson?” She hesitantly said, “Yes”. I whipped my chair back around, typed in my web brower’s search bar the letters Y-O-U-T-U-B-E. Jasmine started smiling.

“I found this cool song that I really like, do you wanna hear it?”

“Mom, really? cool? please, don’t use those types of words.” Jasmine has a way of reminding me that I am not hip. Lol! As I typed “the climb” in the search field, I could feel my heart pounding through my chest. I really like this song and I knew Jasmine did as well. I picked up a highlighter and a pen from my desk, swiveled my chair around and said to my dear Jasmine “you wanna join me in concert?” She was thrilled. With the lyrics on one monitor and the video on the other we grasp tightly to our makeshift mics and bellowed the song from some place deep within our non-singing souls. I know we screamed that song at least 7 times consecutively. OMG! We sounded AWFUL! (sorry Miley) Our voices cracked, we over sang the music, at one point I got so excited that I decided to jump out of my chair and act out the guitar solo. It was AMAZING! We laughed so hard that night. I am sure it is one we will never forget. As we both recollect the moment our joint description of the evening was: F-U-N!

When was the last time you had fun? Genuine, gut-busting, tear streaming, fun? Are you living out your dreams? Is fun apart of your daily routine? If not, what are you going to do to increase your “fun-factor”? I want to hear from you, please share.