Are you a Champion?

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“No surrender, no retreat we take the battlefield over EVERY time!” Wow. What a statement! Taken from the Los Angeles Lakers’ Ron Artest’s new single, “Champion”, which he made sure he ‘shouted-out’ during his post game interview, this is a mantra that I am definitely adopting. Today marks the first day of summer and what I see as a season for champions. Summer, the end the NBA season, the peak of the World Cup, the time of year where what was previously planted blossoms brightest; and if you have been diligent a time of rejoicing in the fruit of your labor. Yes, summer is a time for champions to shine.

So why are there so few champions sprouting about? Why does it seem at a time where Believers should be blooming they are instead barely penetrating the surface? Is it because Believers are not realizing their champion potential?

Let’s take a look at three key characteristics every champion must possess:

  1. Champions dream BIG. – If what you are aiming for isn’t enough to make you stay awake at night it’s not enough to make you fight for it.
  2. Champions take ACTION. – When was the last time you saw a champion sitting around talking about winning? You don’t. They are busy working, doing what it takes to become a champion. “Champion: those who make going hard a lifestyle.”
  3. Champions think like champions. What is the story playing in your head? Is it one of defeat? Are you constantly comparing yourself and/or your ministry to others? If so, you are not thinking like a champion.

I would like to encourage you on this first day of summer to determine that this will be your season to shine. Becoming a champion isn’t easy or convenient, but it is possible.